Feeling curious about roller derby? Maybe it is finally time you try it out!
We are now looking for new players and officials (referees & non-skating officials) for the best roller derby league in Sweden – Crime City Rollers!
January 28 and 30 there will be try out practices where everyone is welcome. We will give a short introduction to the sport, and you can try what it’s like to skate.
Dates, time and location
Sunday January 28 at 15.00-17.00
Tuesday January 30 at 19.00-21.00
Our training hall is located at Kopparbergsgatan 8, with the entrance next to the climbing center. Please see that you are there in time so that we can start as soon as possible!
We have skates and protective gear for you to borrow.
If you want to bring your own equipment, any roller skates with 2+2 wheels will do. The protection needed are elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards and a skating or hockey helmet. You won’t need a mouth guard for these occasions, but later on you will need one for all practices.
What should I have on and with me?
Comfortable clothing, but keep in mind that you will have knee, elbow and wrist protection and therefore can’t have too baggy clothes (you can borrow skates and protective gear from us)!
Don’t forget your water bottle and sneakers!
What happens next?
If you loved skating with us, you can enroll and practice every week!
There will be skating practice every Tuesdays at 19:00 and Sundays at 15:00.
To start training with us you need to pay the membership fee for the year 2023 of 360 SEK, as well as a practice fee which covers fall season.
Who can play with us?
Roller derby is a sport where there is space for everyone regardless of age, size or earlier background in sports. Crime City Rollers welcomes everyone to skate as a beginner regardless of gender. The players in our teams are women/non-binary people/trans people. Cis-men can take part in our association and in the sport for example as officials (referees & non-skating officials).
This event is open for everyone over the age of 16. If you are younger, check out our junior group Crime City Rollers – Candysnatchers.
We are part of the Swedish Skating Association (SWESPORTS) and everyone taking part in our intakes is insured.
We are also members of the WFTDA, the international umbrella organization for our sport.
If you have any question contact us on FB, Instagram or write to rookies@crimecityrollers.com
We are looking forward to meeting you – this could be the beginning of your new fantastic derby life!
/Crime City’s Rookie Coaches