Crime City Rollers’ training hall is is located at “Kampen” in Malmö – a block for urban sports and culture. Earlier the place was a tin can factory. CCR rents the hall from Malmö Stad (Malmö city) whose support is important for small activities and sports like Roller Derby.

In the end of 2016 Crime City Rollers got the keys to Crime City Hall – our own hall for roller derby. After hard work with cleaning and laying the floor, the league started to train in Crime City Hall in the beginning of 2017. In a corner of the hall we find the Crime City Gym that got updated at the end of 2019. There members can do off skate practices to become stronger and to avoid injuries.
In 2019 CCR were one of the winners of XL-hjälpen, who helped the league build two audience platforms for our fans. We are very happy to be able to have so many of our fans closer at our home games.
Crime City Rollers loves to open up the hall for bootcamps, open skate and home games.
Keep track of our home games on our Facebook and Instagram where we post most of our ongoing information.
We hope to see you in Crime City Hall soon!